I've done most things to lose the weight but keeping it off is the issue. I've had the most success with Gastric Bypass Oct 07. I lost 100lbs getting to 190 my lowest weight since I was about 12. I kept it off for about 2 yrs but I was so dissapointed with never making it to my goal of 150 I gave up. I never saw that I looked pretty good at 190. I still saw myself at 300 when I looked in the mirror. Even thou I was down to size 14 in my jeans I still saw the same body from when I was wearing a size 28. It wasn't until I got back to 280 when I was pregnant and was looking threw some pics I saw that I looked decent and wished that I could be back there again. I would so do it differently this time.
I've never had success with weight watchers. Everytime I have joined I ended up gaining weight and giving up before getting any results. Atkins has worked but I haven't been able to maintain eating that way for long periods of time. Herbal Magic I didn't have any success with and on and on. What to do next???????