Sunday, 4 November 2012

Ok really this time

    So the last start didn't go so well. A lot has changed since that post thou. I have been diagnosed bi-polar and I am on new meds to help with the mood swings. They have caused some weight gain but not as much as the none stop eating has.

    I was at a managers meeting last week and one of the big bosses was there and he was talking about a book he read called the "Wheat Belly". He had lost 50 lbs by giving up gluten products specificity bread and bagels. He sent us a copy of the book because he felt it was that important. I started reading it and was very surprised at how scientist has changed wheat. It started out at harvesting once a year and growing 6ft tall. Scientist have added enough hormones to make it harvest twice a yr and to mature while only growing to 2ft. It makes it much easier for farmers but now us consumers are eating all those hormones.

   I tracked my eating for a week and found out that any time I had lots of breads, gluten fill items I felt like crap after. I would feel tired, foggy and just crappy. I felt the same after pigging out on Halloween candy I felt tired, weak and miserable. So that really made me aware on how food was making me feel. I always complained about feeling tired and now I had a magic solution  If I want to feel better I need to go low carb and low gluten to feel great. It's hard sometimes because I love bread I love the smell and the taste.  I want to feel better, I want to have more energy.

 So my plan is to eliminate all bread and bread like products from my diet. I'm going to start drinking more fluid especially water and teas. I'm not going to give up my coffee but I'm going to lower my milk intake and the amount of coffee I drink. A normal day I drink 3 xrlg from Tim Hortons, my goal is 1 med a day. At home in my coffee I'm going to add coconut milk which is lower calories and fat then reg milk. I have created some meals for the week.  

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